Monday, February 1, 2016

Streamers and Midges

So per usual for this time of year, I'm tying flies like crazy. This winter, I've been really having fun with some different things though. From size 32s all the way up to 7/0s, I've been tying up some crazy stuff. I have been tying up plenty of my go to flies such as winged midges, famous amos's, and other midges, along with some old standby streamers like double deceivers, drunk and disorderlies, and circus peanuts. 

However, I have also been tying some flies that are reaching the extremes of fly tying. I have been messing with pike and muskie flies for a while now, and I'd say they are starting to look pretty good. 

On the polar opposite, I got my hands on some 28s, 30s, and 32s. They are pretty much microscopic, but definitely fun to tie!

I also have been tying some pretty fun streamers too. I have a new baitfish I spun up that I can almost guarantee will slay fish this summer! I also have been tying a ton of balanced leeches for a buddy who's headed to Pyramid in a few weeks. 

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